Traditional Surrogacy
This option is used when the woman of the couple is infertile. In this case
the surrogate mother not only rents her uterus, but also donates her eggs.
An artificial insemination is performed in the uterus of the carrier with the
semen of the future father. Therefore, if pregnancy occurs and it comes to
term, the baby will have biological links with her.
Gestational Surrogacy
This option is recommended when the woman can produce eggs, which
after being fertilized become transformed into good quality embryos, it
means that she is fertile but that for some reason she CANNOT carry a
pregnancy to term. It is done through an IVF (in vitro fertilization) with the
egg and sperm of the couple and the embryo or embryos obtained are
transferred to the rented uterus. The baby will not have any biological link
to the surrogate mother.
Surrogacy with egg donor
This option is also used when the woman is infertile, but she does not want
the surrogate mother to have biological ties with the baby, so a donor is
looked for. Usually, the couples look for the similarity of the physical
characteristics, information about their IQ, age, general medical history or
whether or not she had previously been a donor. The procedure is the
same as that of pregnant surrogate motherhood, only that the egg is from a
donor, so it will only have biological links with the father.